with e current nation's direction of inreasing population on our little sunny island, e govt wanna push e human numbers from 4.3 to 6.1 million... to do so... encouraging native citizens alone, to fuck n give birth is simply impossible... e cost so living so high, me, at most 2 (i marry my wife, i contribute back to e nation by producing 2 back, very responisble liao!) n no more! not many singaporean think like me, i bet more dun even wanna have children...
anw... e govt sure have it ways to get wat they want... of cos not by getting more banglars... but inviting wat they call e 'foreign talents' which somehow dun seem so talented, at least to me... they r simply here to make numbers, somehow e means r not meeting e ends... not exactly that i hate them or afraid that they r competing away my career opportunities (if my boss-to-be prefers to work wif some tiong or neh, think his too dumb to boss me) but they r real prick in e ass thru out my education journey...
education in singapore is a funny thing... think we all r familiar with e streamings in secondary sch rite... from good to bad:
special - wah, yr son very smart ar!
express - wah not bad leh, which tution centre u send him to ar?
normal (acad) - maybe he's a late boomer, can de la, dun worry..
normal (tech) - my mum doen't noe that this stream exist...
do u noe, in e past when govt wanna push for industrialisation, they r ranked e other way:
normal (tech) - his normal and good in technical skills, craft to be an engineer!
normal (acad) - hmm... can study la, but cant apply onto daily work...
express - get out of sch fast... e factory needs them
special - they attend special school.... too dumb...

'cher, can i go toilet?'
so after e industries r up... die... all r engineers who cant sell their product... so they pushed for 'Thinking School, Learning Nation'. another rubbish thing... so poor students like us have to attend thinking programme, teaching us how to do explicit n implicit thinking... wat crap... my teacher den dun even noe wat she's doing herself... n juz turn it into reading period...
after a while, this thing died down, but yet there's another new direction, that in e real world, work become very adhoc based, all r project-liked, so students muz be trained to do project, so i gotta do IPW (forget wat it means) as part of my 'A' levels requirements... smlj... worst of all, my batch, e one n only batch, has to take SAT paper cos others think that singapore is using english form of assessment too long n has lost touch wif e competitveness from US, so i must take both! wat e fuck! e next year, dunno for fuck reason they scrap e idea... so i wasted my time n $200 to take that paper.
so now i'm in e uni, worst... now e govt wants to push for population growth, keep paying e ah tiongs n nehs to come study here... hoping that when they grad, they will contribute to e economy with their special 'talents', n with good prayers, they will fall for some singaporean, decide to fuck n build their family on e sunny island... think e govt thinks too much...

these r not banglars! i got this pic from one of e ah neh club from sch, taken when they went on outing for famous prata in singapore
their 'talents' other than getting e 'A's n i gotta suck thumb wif my 'B's,
- seriously adding to noise pollution
- spoiling e freshness of e air wif their unwashed clothings
- leeches in proj work
- they spoil my nights wif bad DOTA games
- cutting queues at canteen (later did i realise that they r too dumb to noe that there's a queue line
- simply refuse to speak e common language, english
- they become lousy prof who cant teach in english
- blocking up e walk corridors, they r real good at that... i tot i'm a loud boy, i said excuse me 3 times n none heard me... den i realise that they r real good in thier 1st talent...
- spending my parent's money
- this special skill that Naruto has... they are everywhere

i spend 4 yrs wif them, they dun seem at all interested to adapt to us... refuse to even use msn or facebook prefers their 优酷 over youtube... maybe in 10 years to come, we start seeing school boys like this at your neighbourhood!

so wat if e 4th local uni is to be opened in 2012, does that means more singaporeans will receive uni education? end up its juz another place for them to part! for every $3 that e uni receive from us, e govt gives e uni $1, so that's 25%, i dunno how to do e maths, but i juz noe we r feeding them. unwillingly... i'm gonna grad n have to pay tax in 8 months time... mind u... they dun even have CPF contribution for e 5 yrs of bond here... knn...
wat policy is this all about? yes, e govt has brought us thus far... but this is seriously annoying... y shd i pay for my son to suffer in this education which i went thru myself... poor him if i'm still a singaporean then... worst, he cant get beat them to get entry to local uni, i gotta pay more for him for private uni education, yet still pay for his arch enemies to study here!
juz got irritated by them when i got my subway this noon...
tiong: wat favour for u?
me: hearty italian
tiong: sorry, which one?
me: no. 3 . . .
tiong: vegetables?
me: everything except olive
tiong: huh?
me: everything except olive
tiong: (lost-child face)
me: 全部都要,除了橄榄...
dunno is her english bad or my chinese good.... ya... fuck me for all u want that i dun like them. y dun they go join e rest of their foreigns, like those from thailand n philipines, to flourish e streets of geylang? think that's being more beneficial to e society, a place where we spend money willingly, enjoy, n lower rape crimes...

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