oh no! its e time of the year again!! ROARR! though its like my second last exam of my life, yet, i dun see the call for a celebration for it! juz dun wanna be an 饿死鬼, had an 'hall 7 reunite steamboat' at hall 5 with jas n jean last thurs! wahahahaha!! i love ball ball!!

somehow i abit siao siao that day! bought damn hell lots of food! 1 boy wif 2 girls n e food cost up to $76!! wahahahahah! eat until wanna vomit sia! but simply loved my old neighbours!! hehez! now nobody will wake me up in e morning liao! my new neighbour at hall 5, eugene, is juz plain irritating, instead of waking me up, HE CAME IN MY ROOM, SWITCH OFF MY ALARM CLOCK, claiming that i dun let him slp! ROARRR!!!

haha, we simply failed to consume e food we bought, called for help n summoned e ghost from lee wee nam library, (yonghan, jayren n tung) n we end up chatting till 1am in e morning! haha, somehow no more odac, we got more time for ourselves, yet not spending them constructively, using them to revisit e good old days when we were still involved in e club... like wat eugene says... ‘你们都是 ODAC 鬼...’

during e weekend, junhua called to ask to borrow my single room at hall 5 for fliming... haha, felt honored initially, until i got to know her storyline... yea... wat purpose can this fugly looking room be used for? haha... a rundown mental hospital, she even asked me to be one of e character... seriously... i cant imagine myself acting to be of mental disorder!

juz ended my project with my HA101 (public administration - if u dunno wat's that, bascially how e govt. sets public policy, like imposing tax n setting up of ERP) team on e topic on Privatisation of Local University! (my topic fucking exciting too! shall post bout it in my next entry!, where i'll shall with u wat i think bout e educational reforms that e country has undergone, like e shitty 'Thinking schools, Learning nation' - wat pangsai!) simply love this course! so interesting! can kaopei bout e govt. thru a rightful channel!!! anw, really enjoyed working wif my team! elizabeth, eng soon n e lost child shaoyu!
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