wah! its a damn busy week, with the APEC thingy for the country and exams for me!! haha, all e ministers have their nerves juz as tight up as mine! bet our dear defense minister n his army of the various chief-in-command of wat not all can finally sleep in peace once Obama get his ass on his Air Force One n out of our land! poor me! still kana haunted by engineering formulas, i dun mind if they r clear in my dreams, that means i studied n learned well! but they r simply juz so blur... sob sob...
no worries to all foreign leaders! wat's there to worry when hu jing tao brought Kungfu Panda to town and Obama sending in 250 secret agents, camping at the top of our skycrapers with their sniper rifles?

STOMP shd start e campaign, sponsored by e whitehouse, that if we get to capture a shot of these secret agents, we receive US$500, to check their competency of disguise and stealth! that's gonna be fun for us rite?
yep, 2 china's top breed of giant pandas as token of good frenship, r to be PR in singapore for e next 10 years, and that suddenly strike me to question, so wat do china send to countries as token for so-so frenship? small pandas?
anw, i still prefer e US styles... like kunfu panda! cute n inspiring... e real ones r rather boring... seen them in zoo... more like rocks with black spots, cant kick n fight, nor even do rolls on e floor... e cartoon one much better! i wonder if they will like it if we were to send lions to china... bet they even have lions with pink polka dots,that ours seem so... normal...
hmm if animal cant do e job... buy them food! treat hu jing tao to chicken rice? that's something tacky... wat if they claim that the Hainanese Chicken Rice is not singaporeans, but belonged to Hainan, and wants it back like they want taiwan? anw... i'm a pure breed hainanese (both parents of pure hainanese from Hainan), there's no hainanese chicken rice there... only 文乡鸡 which taste horrible!).
no worries to all foreign leaders! wat's there to worry when hu jing tao brought Kungfu Panda to town and Obama sending in 250 secret agents, camping at the top of our skycrapers with their sniper rifles?

STOMP shd start e campaign, sponsored by e whitehouse, that if we get to capture a shot of these secret agents, we receive US$500, to check their competency of disguise and stealth! that's gonna be fun for us rite?
yep, 2 china's top breed of giant pandas as token of good frenship, r to be PR in singapore for e next 10 years, and that suddenly strike me to question, so wat do china send to countries as token for so-so frenship? small pandas?
anw, i still prefer e US styles... like kunfu panda! cute n inspiring... e real ones r rather boring... seen them in zoo... more like rocks with black spots, cant kick n fight, nor even do rolls on e floor... e cartoon one much better! i wonder if they will like it if we were to send lions to china... bet they even have lions with pink polka dots,that ours seem so... normal...
hmm if animal cant do e job... buy them food! treat hu jing tao to chicken rice? that's something tacky... wat if they claim that the Hainanese Chicken Rice is not singaporeans, but belonged to Hainan, and wants it back like they want taiwan? anw... i'm a pure breed hainanese (both parents of pure hainanese from Hainan), there's no hainanese chicken rice there... only 文乡鸡 which taste horrible!).

haha! that's why i prefer the americans!! 'Botak Jones' is my fav! wahaha! so localised!
Botak - Singlish
Jones - Ang Moh
so integrated! i simply trust e americans that they will never want to claim ownership of this!
Botak - Singlish
Jones - Ang Moh
so integrated! i simply trust e americans that they will never want to claim ownership of this!

hmm... wonder any european leaders who's in town this time round... y dun they bring EPL to all singaporeans and NOT JUST TO MIO TV SUBSCRIBERS, as a token of good frenship too? we dun go to zoo! so we no need animals! they look much more interesting on Discovery Channel!

mugging is crazy... our tower at lee wee nam is so easily under attack cos e army is always sleeping!! poor jayren... as e general of e tower defense, he has to defend it outside he's own territory...

haha! my pro-comm. team! topic: office sexual harassment. haha! we love harassing wei xiu!

took a break, 2-piece chicken meal with the buddy meal coupon! wootz! FINGER LICKING GOOD!
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