moving on to e next terror, FYP!! OMFG!! trust me, this thing is no joke... rite after e exams ends & i'm fucking back in sch sitting in e long forgotten table in lee wee nam library... haiz... shall not complain & bla further... sick of myself whining bout it...

this is wat my whole FYP is all about... u never know that maths sucks till u see this man! & not juz once, its whole chunk of it, continuously for 65 pages... & somehow, dunno how, i'm supposed to turn all these unknown Greek figurines into computer script. anw, i spend like 8 hrs till i know wat e shit e above is all talking about... think u r a smart ass? try be an Engineer first. if my child will ever wanna do Engineering, he shall pay for his own sch fees.
monday evening while on e train back to sch, overheard an fugly gal's mindless conversation wif her parents. watever she says simply annoys me (probably if she's a chiobu, watever shit that comes out of her mouth will taste like honey)...
fugly gal: '我们读 diploma 的 hor,都是很 practical 的人,nerd 才读大学的'
firstly, i have no issues bout e practicality of diploma grads. secondly, among my engineering clique, 40% r from poly, so they r practical nerds? thirdly, e frens i made in NTU ain't nerds. forthly, look at your fuck face, doubt u can make it to e uni if u were to try 10 times harder. lastly, having fat hands & legs like yours, doubt u r any good in your 'practical' work.
really felt like giving her my hp no. so that in 5 years time, she can call to tell me she's e next Bill Gates, made it big wif Nanosoft without a degree in her pocket. i dun really think that i'm smart or anything big that i make it to uni, think its more about e effort & many other factors, but definitely, i guess all my frens will agree - Uni is not for e weak-hearted.
to hell wif whoever who ever once told us that, 'JC is e toughest, once u go to Uni, everything will be easy', sounds familiar rite?

anw... calendar is filled wif post exams activities, but e biggest surprise for myself is to get all wet & dirty on e day rite after my last paper. yep, went on recce for ATC 2010! woohoo~ i love doing ATC, its not juz about e sense of achievement derived, but e trill of finding an unknown land in our vibrant lion city! see e trails in e pics above, e next ATC team will make magic out of it!

this is wat my whole FYP is all about... u never know that maths sucks till u see this man! & not juz once, its whole chunk of it, continuously for 65 pages... & somehow, dunno how, i'm supposed to turn all these unknown Greek figurines into computer script. anw, i spend like 8 hrs till i know wat e shit e above is all talking about... think u r a smart ass? try be an Engineer first. if my child will ever wanna do Engineering, he shall pay for his own sch fees.
monday evening while on e train back to sch, overheard an fugly gal's mindless conversation wif her parents. watever she says simply annoys me (probably if she's a chiobu, watever shit that comes out of her mouth will taste like honey)...
fugly gal: '我们读 diploma 的 hor,都是很 practical 的人,nerd 才读大学的'
firstly, i have no issues bout e practicality of diploma grads. secondly, among my engineering clique, 40% r from poly, so they r practical nerds? thirdly, e frens i made in NTU ain't nerds. forthly, look at your fuck face, doubt u can make it to e uni if u were to try 10 times harder. lastly, having fat hands & legs like yours, doubt u r any good in your 'practical' work.
really felt like giving her my hp no. so that in 5 years time, she can call to tell me she's e next Bill Gates, made it big wif Nanosoft without a degree in her pocket. i dun really think that i'm smart or anything big that i make it to uni, think its more about e effort & many other factors, but definitely, i guess all my frens will agree - Uni is not for e weak-hearted.
to hell wif whoever who ever once told us that, 'JC is e toughest, once u go to Uni, everything will be easy', sounds familiar rite?

anw... calendar is filled wif post exams activities, but e biggest surprise for myself is to get all wet & dirty on e day rite after my last paper. yep, went on recce for ATC 2010! woohoo~ i love doing ATC, its not juz about e sense of achievement derived, but e trill of finding an unknown land in our vibrant lion city! see e trails in e pics above, e next ATC team will make magic out of it!
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