wahaha!! yet another great production by director 林合隆!! haha! bet his name sounds damn unfamiliar to e readers here right? lemme show u all e shows that were directed by him, from oldest to newest!

bet you all still remember this show back in 2005! <惡魔在身邊> which brought 賀軍翔 & 楊丞琳 to great stardom in 台湾偶像剧!

next is <转角遇到爱> by 羅志祥 & 小S! omg! super great hit of 2007! u muz be a dork for missing this! haha!! got my fav muz watch taiwan celebritry, 小猪!

another show in 2007, <放羊的星星>, a show by our long-lost childhood idol, 林志穎 with pretty korean actress Yoo Ha Na! though it wasn't a great hit as compared to other production of 林合隆, but i still enjoyed shows of e 'cry-cry' genre!

yea hey! end of 2007, e online poll, voted best on-screen couple of e year, in <惡魔在身邊>, 賀軍翔 & 楊丞琳 once again combined power in <换换爱>. i simply love shows by 楊丞琳!

combining taiwan all-time pretty boys, we have <篮球火> in 2008, with little-gals killer, 吴尊, lady-killer, 言承旭 & phua-killer, 小猪, u will die for not watching it! wat's best, its a whole show juz on basketball! no love & rubbish bullshit!

end of 2008, this director simply love to bring best on-screen couples together, and we have e all-time viewers fav, since <惡作劇之吻>, den <惡作劇2吻>, to <我的亿万面包>, with 林依晨 & 鄭元暢! haha! we simply love them like e rest of e taiwanese, chinese, japanese & koreans! 林依晨's acting, one word, UPs.

early 2009, another tear-driving show, <心星的淚光> by 言承旭 & super pretty 关颖. omg! damn sad show!! i love 'cry-cry' shows!!! juz like y i like korean dramas!
haha! bascially i watched almost all his production, & some i even watched them twice! Now! we have <海派甜心>, with 2 of my fav, 楊丞琳 & 小猪!
haha! bascially i watched almost all his production, & some i even watched them twice! Now! we have <海派甜心>, with 2 of my fav, 楊丞琳 & 小猪!

so wat's this show all about? haha! basically bout 小猪 who's damn freaking rich, with an over-protected childhood that that he knows no frens or played any games or sports, fearing that he will be kidnapped or injured since young. with dying-eager to earn n learn self-independency, he went to china, hang zhou, for university n get to know 楊丞琳, using his fake uber poor identity (feared that others knows his uber rich & got kidnapped in foreign land), who plays n punk-gal in sch! n yep... thru all e bla bla that this dork n punk fell in love.

punk-gal comes from a well-to-do family, & was forced to marry another rich man's son, not knowing that 小猪 is uber rich, her mother forced them to separate ways after 3 yrs of relationship. e same old shit in all dramas, lots of super coincidental coincidences that 小猪 tot that 楊丞琳 had ditched him for a rich man while 楊丞琳 tot that he had forgotten all his promises of waiting for her... that e 2 lovebirds separate ways thinking that they had been ditched by e other party... so, 小猪 returned to motherland, & turned playboy, ditching gals who hook on rich guys like himself, seeking revenge of his 1st love!
3 years later, they met, where 楊丞琳 turned a DJ, & 小猪 bought e radio station to seek his revenge on her, to hook her up with his real rich man identity n ditch her later! as now 小猪 introduced himself with his true identity, 楊丞琳 finds it hard to separate e new 小猪 from her long lost lover, they shared e same face but wif total diff. character which she totally hates! & yes, this is a story bout how 小猪 wins back his gal wif his real identity!

3 years later, they met, where 楊丞琳 turned a DJ, & 小猪 bought e radio station to seek his revenge on her, to hook her up with his real rich man identity n ditch her later! as now 小猪 introduced himself with his true identity, 楊丞琳 finds it hard to separate e new 小猪 from her long lost lover, they shared e same face but wif total diff. character which she totally hates! & yes, this is a story bout how 小猪 wins back his gal wif his real identity!

irritating smurk look + cartoony animation on 小猪's face when he come out of his masterplan on how to hook 楊丞琳 up!
wat's so nice, every scene that 小猪 did something that reminds 楊丞琳 of her lost lover is juz so touching!! haha! den 小猪 juz deny that he's not that dork and has never studied in china, making 楊丞琳 so damn sad, cos his looks simply reminds her of e lost him, which brought her so much pain! whahaha! i love such shows!!

e bemused face of 楊丞琳 when 小猪 said he that he once visited hang zhou before, with every inch of hope that this lookalike will be her long lost lover.
catch this show on http://www.youtube.com/user/acmilansoccer999#p/u/14/zKacSrgi36c every sunday 2300 k!

e bemused face of 楊丞琳 when 小猪 said he that he once visited hang zhou before, with every inch of hope that this lookalike will be her long lost lover.
catch this show on http://www.youtube.com/user/acmilansoccer999#p/u/14/zKacSrgi36c every sunday 2300 k!
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