hmm... new analogy came across my life... 'tree'... somehow i really dun like e idea... to a certain extend, its about comparison, n it sucks to be on e judgement scale, not for e fear of e outcome, but e reasons to be on e weighing scale.
ya, anw, since we talked about 'judgement', shall link it to a new talk of e town, bout how "unbelievably tough" e PSLE maths paper was... somehow, i always like to play on e defensive court for e MOE... its nv easy to teach kids nowadays, or even place a judgement point upon them...
so who is to blame? e teachers? e principals? e examiner at e ministry? come on... its a viscious cycle, all those parents who cry father cry mother for their children out there, r all proud products of this country, build based on meritocracy, hence they think that they can cast a judgement point on e ministry, to comment whether e paper too easy or too difficult la... n we know, rite from e start of e education, we r all being graded by exams, to sieve ourselves from e pathetic rest... so y complain when e paper gets harder, plainly because e kids r getting smarter?
smart parents try means to outsmart e education by hiring tutors for their children, so now e education system simply has to outsmart e students so that the grading system can work... so e next coming year, e parents hire more n better tutors for their kids, n e cycle simply continues... juz a reminder to all e 'smart' parents out there, every mother's child is taking e same paper... u all know wats 'normalisation' n 'bell curve' all about rite?

as quoted, 'Private maths tutor Josephine Tan whose son studies at Anglo—Chinese School (Junior), said he told her that "many A* students in the top class... couldn’t finish all the questions".' - fucking tell e son that he's simply not good enuff la! wat's e problem with your child being not good enough? dunno is it e child cant take failures or parents cant accept their child is a failure...
if e paper is so-so, n everyone who thinks they deserve to get A* will get it, die liao lor, in 2-3 yrs time to come... u score 'B's have to go Normal Tech stream liao... wat rubbish... probably, ITE also will soon to have cut-off point too! maybe now even have liao... haha... come on... your child is sad that he cant get e A... how about those who cant even get a C? u think really that easy for e ministry to set a 'fair' paper for all ar?
another quote, '"When he was telling me about how he couldn’t answer some of the questions, he got very emotional and started crying.".' - hello? who's child never cry before? they start crying right after they crawl out of e mother's hole rite? less u tell tell me he came out from e father's pole la! instead of teaching e ministry wat to do, y not spend your effort on teaching your child how to face/accept failures... anw, he/she has many more academic failures (if he/she is really as smart as u may think, else he wun make it that far) to face in e coming years... i dare swear that off wif my undergrad dick.

anw... here's one of e qn posted on most of e online news report... i attempted it, yep yep... i'm a engineer-to-be, who deals with maths every fucking single sober minute of my life... took less than 5 mins to solve it... i'm not smart... it has some difficulty for a P6 kid... but definietly a worthy qn to differentiate e A* student...
Jim bought some chocolates and gave half of it to Ken. Ken bought some sweets and gave half of it to Jim. Jim ate 12 sweets and Ken ate 18 chocolates. The ratio of Jim's sweets to chocolates became 1 : 7 and the ratio of Ken's sweets to chocolates became 1:4. How many sweets did Ken buy?

ya, anw, since we talked about 'judgement', shall link it to a new talk of e town, bout how "unbelievably tough" e PSLE maths paper was... somehow, i always like to play on e defensive court for e MOE... its nv easy to teach kids nowadays, or even place a judgement point upon them...
so who is to blame? e teachers? e principals? e examiner at e ministry? come on... its a viscious cycle, all those parents who cry father cry mother for their children out there, r all proud products of this country, build based on meritocracy, hence they think that they can cast a judgement point on e ministry, to comment whether e paper too easy or too difficult la... n we know, rite from e start of e education, we r all being graded by exams, to sieve ourselves from e pathetic rest... so y complain when e paper gets harder, plainly because e kids r getting smarter?
smart parents try means to outsmart e education by hiring tutors for their children, so now e education system simply has to outsmart e students so that the grading system can work... so e next coming year, e parents hire more n better tutors for their kids, n e cycle simply continues... juz a reminder to all e 'smart' parents out there, every mother's child is taking e same paper... u all know wats 'normalisation' n 'bell curve' all about rite?

as quoted, 'Private maths tutor Josephine Tan whose son studies at Anglo—Chinese School (Junior), said he told her that "many A* students in the top class... couldn’t finish all the questions".' - fucking tell e son that he's simply not good enuff la! wat's e problem with your child being not good enough? dunno is it e child cant take failures or parents cant accept their child is a failure...
if e paper is so-so, n everyone who thinks they deserve to get A* will get it, die liao lor, in 2-3 yrs time to come... u score 'B's have to go Normal Tech stream liao... wat rubbish... probably, ITE also will soon to have cut-off point too! maybe now even have liao... haha... come on... your child is sad that he cant get e A... how about those who cant even get a C? u think really that easy for e ministry to set a 'fair' paper for all ar?
another quote, '"When he was telling me about how he couldn’t answer some of the questions, he got very emotional and started crying.".' - hello? who's child never cry before? they start crying right after they crawl out of e mother's hole rite? less u tell tell me he came out from e father's pole la! instead of teaching e ministry wat to do, y not spend your effort on teaching your child how to face/accept failures... anw, he/she has many more academic failures (if he/she is really as smart as u may think, else he wun make it that far) to face in e coming years... i dare swear that off wif my undergrad dick.

anw... here's one of e qn posted on most of e online news report... i attempted it, yep yep... i'm a engineer-to-be, who deals with maths every fucking single sober minute of my life... took less than 5 mins to solve it... i'm not smart... it has some difficulty for a P6 kid... but definietly a worthy qn to differentiate e A* student...
Jim bought some chocolates and gave half of it to Ken. Ken bought some sweets and gave half of it to Jim. Jim ate 12 sweets and Ken ate 18 chocolates. The ratio of Jim's sweets to chocolates became 1 : 7 and the ratio of Ken's sweets to chocolates became 1:4. How many sweets did Ken buy?

think last time i was taught to solve such qns using block diagram... haha... really forget how to use that method liao... or ya... for those who had long touched maths n happened to read my blog... i solved it using quadratic equations, learned in sec 1 maths.
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