wah! somehow really din expect 小龙 to get married! haha, anw, he's my platoon sergeant in my NS days... yep, he's e one gonna bring us to war, if one ever comes... he's a damn cute guy, all thanz to him, i lived like king thru my NS days! at e door, i asked, 'sir, 高兴吗?' with his usual tone, 'eh... 还好啦...' LOL...

dunno y... none of us brought camera, hoping some other will bring... so end up... i played e camera man of e day, using my sony phone... so sorry for e lousy picture... that e pretty wife now look like vampire.. yep, toast to him for a blissful marriage ahead!

its been so long since i met up wif my batch boys... other than jin, chew, bb, allan.... cos they r my suck cock buddies in mechanical engine... yep... for e NUS & SIM boys... really long time no c le... so glad that those who had grad, had all found a good job to begin wif!

anw... they din change much... kk toh still as cock... always running round e tables, making everyone feels high... guan, still e same... every three words muz have one vlugarity/sex-related stuff! anw... best joke of e day...
phua: ' yayi damn pro la, he still remain 8m 58s for 2.4km leh! i only can do 9m plus now la...'
andy: ' ya, cos he's been dancing intensively... heard its very shag, that's y he got maintain...'
cc koh: 'wah, i can only run 10m plus now la'
phua: 'i dun believe! i juz paced BB on wed for IPPT n he run 11m 40s only, already died flat on e grand stand liao... i never c u ever run faster than BB (he used to run 9m 10s) before lor!'
cc koh: 'walau, of cos 10m plus is from 10m to 11m la!'
phua: 'i still dun believe lor!' (BB gigles behind...)
kk toh: 'wah this one i oso dun believe liao! 那里可能!'
cc koh: 'of cos is run until like machaim run 9m 14s, want to die that kind of feeling la!'
andy: 'u know e feeling of running 9m 14s meh? like u never hit that before leh..'
*anw... for those who r my new readers... FYI, e passing timing for 2.4km run in my NS days was 9 min 14 sec.
phua: ' yayi damn pro la, he still remain 8m 58s for 2.4km leh! i only can do 9m plus now la...'
andy: ' ya, cos he's been dancing intensively... heard its very shag, that's y he got maintain...'
cc koh: 'wah, i can only run 10m plus now la'
phua: 'i dun believe! i juz paced BB on wed for IPPT n he run 11m 40s only, already died flat on e grand stand liao... i never c u ever run faster than BB (he used to run 9m 10s) before lor!'
cc koh: 'walau, of cos 10m plus is from 10m to 11m la!'
phua: 'i still dun believe lor!' (BB gigles behind...)
kk toh: 'wah this one i oso dun believe liao! 那里可能!'
cc koh: 'of cos is run until like machaim run 9m 14s, want to die that kind of feeling la!'
andy: 'u know e feeling of running 9m 14s meh? like u never hit that before leh..'
*anw... for those who r my new readers... FYI, e passing timing for 2.4km run in my NS days was 9 min 14 sec.

oh ya! anw, my dear wei qi, from 迷路兵 is gonna release his 3rd album in November! think he had put a lot of effort in it! so if u like their songs over e radio, spare e $19 to buy their album k! i help u all get autograph!
oh ya, for those who tried e trigo qn, e ans is 150 degrees.
oh ya, for those who tried e trigo qn, e ans is 150 degrees.
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