1. i'm fucking bz... IA + ATC + ODAC
2. attachment = stare at computer whole day, dun wanna stare at it when i'm off fr work
3. hardly got time to breathe...
4. trying hard to live up my prof's expectations for FYP (fuck-your-prof)
haha, i had a fruitful year though... ATC 09 was a great success, dun really care wat others gotta say bout it, not my concern, to me, to my partner, to my team, its good, n that's all it matters! 2 things i set out to achieve, a successful event and a successful comm, yep, got it both! hehez, fucking proud bout that fact! 30% goes to luck, 70% goes to all e blood and sweat that we shed... yep, fucking shag... no joke, good job team, raise your head up high as u all earned your wings.

ok, enuff brag bout e ATC 09 team... in fact for this whole work year of 08/09, we definitely have to give 2 thumbs up to all e SPOs for their good management of every single team in e Club, all events went damn well, n it was with e help and support of e highly spirited members, that ATC 09 can go thus far... good job!
seriously, missed out a lot of my own time for e whole of last year...
1. watched zero K-drama....
2. din even dnld nor learn any new songs...
3. missed out a lot of time wif all my frens from everywhere else except NTU ODAC...
4. cant even rem when was e last time that i touched a soccer ball
5. i have yet to c e new Ion at orchard rd...
6. and many many more things that i used to do...
seriously, missed out a lot of my own time for e whole of last year...
1. watched zero K-drama....
2. din even dnld nor learn any new songs...
3. missed out a lot of time wif all my frens from everywhere else except NTU ODAC...
4. cant even rem when was e last time that i touched a soccer ball
5. i have yet to c e new Ion at orchard rd...
6. and many many more things that i used to do...

nonetheless, still glad that e year had passed with so much good memories... its all worthwhile i guess! haha its another good year for e club after FOOT 09, as the Club marched on to its 14th year. yep, new main comm, new leadership, new subcommers, new faces everywhere, more importantly, not forgeting e old faces that had brought e Club thus far. yep, e new ATC 10 comm is up, under e lead of teck chee & eugene, they will definitely go far, good stucture, solid seniors, promising fresh blood, un-going lao jiaos... n of cos, all wif e common undying spirits... DONG SUA SA!
seriously... its prime time for me to move on from this Club, which i had spend all my time n effort on for my Uni life... as much as i would like to cont. to be part of e legacy, time no longer allow us to linger further... nonetheless... there's many many out there that i would want to thank for my good time in e Club..
chong meng & grace - really glad that there's no one who wanna be a ATC log in 2007, that my 2 SPOs wll choose to take me (non-FOOT, non-Firelight) into e team... yep, somehow, they were e ones who opened e door for me to e Club. n thanz for chong meng's continuous support in ATC 09 for giving me all his valuable advises.
yali - very thankful for her, really... she opened up my scopes, making me c more than i ever tot was needed... a good mentor, a good fren, a good partner as CGL.
eugene (fat) - not many had e chance to learn from him... very inspiring, very knowledgeable, yep, juz very nice. lucky me, who had a chance to go on 4 trips wif him, that i leech so much stuff off his round tummy... yep, from him, tummy = wisdom.
munir - till now, e arrogant me will only acknowledge this guy here as my 'boss', yep, my dear partner during e time of 12th main comm... there's juz so much that i had learned from him.. he really can do many stuff which i cant... he's e man in e office... really, he made a significant change to everything in e Club.
ruyan - wahahahah!! my 'dear' who has to tolerate all my rubbish for e past 3 years... cant believe that she has such a high treshold which i'm still trying to overcome!
denis - my mentor log in ATC 07, a great partner in e 'law enforcement' for e Club... mind u, he rules by FEAR... yet, there's always this damn cock side of him, really enjoyed playing dota wif him! hearing him shouting '小鬼!小鬼!' does add much flavour to e game!
wei zhen, jie yang, yihui, kexin, firdaus - ok, shall lump these pple together... haha! thank u all so much to be always there, n always so reliable... haha, wei zhen who speaks little, but ever impactful, jie yang who always feed me wif his 'another' point of view... yep, thanz so much for being there..
tung - haha, my nice neighbour, my 1st fren to have in ODAC, n one that is ever supportive n enthu bout every little thing in e Club.
jason & serene - seriously thank you all so much for all e help in ATC 09 for all e sponsors stuff, n thank you all for being my frens in e 13th main comm... there's not many that i speak to or even trust (really sad to say), yep, thanz for being there.
iffah - hahah! i'll never forget e night that we churned out e website together at ADM... so sorry, that i added another project into yr list of assignments... so sorry that i had not much time wif u... still owe u a meal, remind me someday when u r free k!
chee keong - haha, one who claims himself e 'ah gong' of e Club, wahaha, really enjoyed his company, his rubbish, his vulgarities n his outdoor cooking skills...
shu hong - this big man, really nice to have him around, always ready for some real 'sai gang' to be done... haha, seeing him changed over e years, opening up, its really an interesting show...
renjian - haha! e ‘偷底裤贼’ that i always talk about, such a pity that we cant go for e ice cap climb at si chuan.... a nice fren, great running buddy, a cock guy to do stupid things wif when u got nothing better to do, like trying to burn down datuk & perlepah!
alvin pek - haha! somehow this man of little words is always around, always supportive, always reliable in e task that is assigned to him... yep, u did make a difference in e Club in your own means...
princess kerui - yep, she's a rubbish character... yet u cant deny e impact that she has brought along... i'll never forget her hugging e raw chicken in her white singlet when we played multi-level captain ball in FOOT 07... yep, so much joy n laugther for e Club n all thanz for her crap!
jean - haha, my nice neighbour who cooks dinner for me & sweeps my room! hehez, thanz for entertaining all my rubbish!
8th foot comm - somehow i spend quite a fair bit of time wif this very passionate & full of 'love' team! yep, its really nice to have u all in e club, wei han, jit hong, si shan, liping & many more...
jasmine - haha! my fav personal secretary... haha! sorry! i noe i always bully/boss u around, but really wanna let u know, i really appreciate every single thing that u had done... yep! darryl really wun touch other gals in holland de... at most see only!
jeremy - wahahah, seriously, ATC 09 will not be a success w/o yr inputs... no... in fact, yr contributions had been felt thru out my 3 yrs in e Club, from ATC 07, FOOT 07, FOOT 08 till now... having your place as e clubhouse for ODAC... haha
issey, teck chee & eugene - 3 cb kia that got me into deep shit to take up ATC 09, a blessing in disguise though! if not for their ignorant passion, we wun have revive it, i wun be given e chance to put all that i had learned into this project.. yep, thanz!
hui hui - 'little miss la la' as we all call her! haha, she's real cute when she's always so lost... be it directions, conversations or any sort of activities, she's juz damn uber funny in her 'lost' way!
xinyi & jun hua - haha, 检到宝 sia.... if adsports din reject them, i wun have them nicely fit into e team! xinyi, ever confident in her work... jun hua, a scarry monster in art work... seeing her work on photoshop is a feat on its own...
linus, darryl & wilmond - haha, 3 cocks in e team... hahah! dunno y, i juz trust them wif e task, yep, capable n reliable in their own sense, dun have them i oso dunno wat to do sia...
yong han - haha, my tutor in MAE, my fren in daily life, my best left-hand man in ODAC.. its a blessing for e Club to have e passionate u.
jayren - my old mate from ATC 07, best log ever, best senior for e juniors to cling on, a good fren who comes telling me off my bastard acts! hehez, another great character not to be missed by e Club.
junzhong - haha, my dear roomie who seems to be e only one unaffected by my singing all this while! yep, my best right-hand man of all times, knowing wat i want, settling problems so that i need not crack my brains, covering my blindspots... i'm a skeptical boy, dun really trust others in handling task, less this guy.
wei ling - a great surprise i'll say... had always been working alone, its been quite a long while since i have a partner who i can work with, compliment myself, covering my flaws, doing wat i cant do. yep, in fact w/o her pressence, i doubt i will have a successful comm, as they will all die of exhaustion from all work wif no fun... thanz for taking up e job to be my partner, bet its been hard on her, really... i know, i'm really demanding, not at times, but all e time... thanz
ok... there's many many more down e list... really... all these peeps had all particpated in painting of e colourful pic of my ODAC career... thank you all, thru these years, i really had grown much stronger in every aspect, n definitely u all had a part to play in my growth... my time is up, its hard to bear, to move on, but i have to.
seriously... its prime time for me to move on from this Club, which i had spend all my time n effort on for my Uni life... as much as i would like to cont. to be part of e legacy, time no longer allow us to linger further... nonetheless... there's many many out there that i would want to thank for my good time in e Club..
chong meng & grace - really glad that there's no one who wanna be a ATC log in 2007, that my 2 SPOs wll choose to take me (non-FOOT, non-Firelight) into e team... yep, somehow, they were e ones who opened e door for me to e Club. n thanz for chong meng's continuous support in ATC 09 for giving me all his valuable advises.
yali - very thankful for her, really... she opened up my scopes, making me c more than i ever tot was needed... a good mentor, a good fren, a good partner as CGL.
eugene (fat) - not many had e chance to learn from him... very inspiring, very knowledgeable, yep, juz very nice. lucky me, who had a chance to go on 4 trips wif him, that i leech so much stuff off his round tummy... yep, from him, tummy = wisdom.
munir - till now, e arrogant me will only acknowledge this guy here as my 'boss', yep, my dear partner during e time of 12th main comm... there's juz so much that i had learned from him.. he really can do many stuff which i cant... he's e man in e office... really, he made a significant change to everything in e Club.
ruyan - wahahahah!! my 'dear' who has to tolerate all my rubbish for e past 3 years... cant believe that she has such a high treshold which i'm still trying to overcome!
denis - my mentor log in ATC 07, a great partner in e 'law enforcement' for e Club... mind u, he rules by FEAR... yet, there's always this damn cock side of him, really enjoyed playing dota wif him! hearing him shouting '小鬼!小鬼!' does add much flavour to e game!
wei zhen, jie yang, yihui, kexin, firdaus - ok, shall lump these pple together... haha! thank u all so much to be always there, n always so reliable... haha, wei zhen who speaks little, but ever impactful, jie yang who always feed me wif his 'another' point of view... yep, thanz so much for being there..
tung - haha, my nice neighbour, my 1st fren to have in ODAC, n one that is ever supportive n enthu bout every little thing in e Club.
jason & serene - seriously thank you all so much for all e help in ATC 09 for all e sponsors stuff, n thank you all for being my frens in e 13th main comm... there's not many that i speak to or even trust (really sad to say), yep, thanz for being there.
iffah - hahah! i'll never forget e night that we churned out e website together at ADM... so sorry, that i added another project into yr list of assignments... so sorry that i had not much time wif u... still owe u a meal, remind me someday when u r free k!
chee keong - haha, one who claims himself e 'ah gong' of e Club, wahaha, really enjoyed his company, his rubbish, his vulgarities n his outdoor cooking skills...
shu hong - this big man, really nice to have him around, always ready for some real 'sai gang' to be done... haha, seeing him changed over e years, opening up, its really an interesting show...
renjian - haha! e ‘偷底裤贼’ that i always talk about, such a pity that we cant go for e ice cap climb at si chuan.... a nice fren, great running buddy, a cock guy to do stupid things wif when u got nothing better to do, like trying to burn down datuk & perlepah!
alvin pek - haha! somehow this man of little words is always around, always supportive, always reliable in e task that is assigned to him... yep, u did make a difference in e Club in your own means...
princess kerui - yep, she's a rubbish character... yet u cant deny e impact that she has brought along... i'll never forget her hugging e raw chicken in her white singlet when we played multi-level captain ball in FOOT 07... yep, so much joy n laugther for e Club n all thanz for her crap!
jean - haha, my nice neighbour who cooks dinner for me & sweeps my room! hehez, thanz for entertaining all my rubbish!
8th foot comm - somehow i spend quite a fair bit of time wif this very passionate & full of 'love' team! yep, its really nice to have u all in e club, wei han, jit hong, si shan, liping & many more...
jasmine - haha! my fav personal secretary... haha! sorry! i noe i always bully/boss u around, but really wanna let u know, i really appreciate every single thing that u had done... yep! darryl really wun touch other gals in holland de... at most see only!
jeremy - wahahah, seriously, ATC 09 will not be a success w/o yr inputs... no... in fact, yr contributions had been felt thru out my 3 yrs in e Club, from ATC 07, FOOT 07, FOOT 08 till now... having your place as e clubhouse for ODAC... haha
issey, teck chee & eugene - 3 cb kia that got me into deep shit to take up ATC 09, a blessing in disguise though! if not for their ignorant passion, we wun have revive it, i wun be given e chance to put all that i had learned into this project.. yep, thanz!
hui hui - 'little miss la la' as we all call her! haha, she's real cute when she's always so lost... be it directions, conversations or any sort of activities, she's juz damn uber funny in her 'lost' way!
xinyi & jun hua - haha, 检到宝 sia.... if adsports din reject them, i wun have them nicely fit into e team! xinyi, ever confident in her work... jun hua, a scarry monster in art work... seeing her work on photoshop is a feat on its own...
linus, darryl & wilmond - haha, 3 cocks in e team... hahah! dunno y, i juz trust them wif e task, yep, capable n reliable in their own sense, dun have them i oso dunno wat to do sia...
yong han - haha, my tutor in MAE, my fren in daily life, my best left-hand man in ODAC.. its a blessing for e Club to have e passionate u.
jayren - my old mate from ATC 07, best log ever, best senior for e juniors to cling on, a good fren who comes telling me off my bastard acts! hehez, another great character not to be missed by e Club.
junzhong - haha, my dear roomie who seems to be e only one unaffected by my singing all this while! yep, my best right-hand man of all times, knowing wat i want, settling problems so that i need not crack my brains, covering my blindspots... i'm a skeptical boy, dun really trust others in handling task, less this guy.
wei ling - a great surprise i'll say... had always been working alone, its been quite a long while since i have a partner who i can work with, compliment myself, covering my flaws, doing wat i cant do. yep, in fact w/o her pressence, i doubt i will have a successful comm, as they will all die of exhaustion from all work wif no fun... thanz for taking up e job to be my partner, bet its been hard on her, really... i know, i'm really demanding, not at times, but all e time... thanz
ok... there's many many more down e list... really... all these peeps had all particpated in painting of e colourful pic of my ODAC career... thank you all, thru these years, i really had grown much stronger in every aspect, n definitely u all had a part to play in my growth... my time is up, its hard to bear, to move on, but i have to.
really learn a lot under u. u are always there to give advice, passing on your knowledge to the younger ones. appreciate that very much. do stay on NTU ODAC a while longer... till atc 10 is over at least! HAHAH... DONG SUA SA!!!!
not bad. u saved the best for last. haha.
Yeah, please move on. I support u.
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