Saturday, July 14, 2007

my gang

hmm…. its been so long since i had met up wif my old gangs… been rather bz wif e stupid NTU odac stuff…. got no time at all to meet up wif all my darling dears! ccb!! i’m gonna to miss e coming 23rd batch gathering yet again cos of odac! wtf! fuck e senior camp sia! haiz… think i gotta dedicate a post specially for u all…

chailing, baba, xiaohei, wx, ah lian, aaron, jun wei, pauline, bok…. my NYOAC gang!! haha i always find it surprising tt till now we can still keep in touch though we only spend 3 mnths tog!

hahah! den i got my AJ ODAC cum angmokias & 02/02

wtf man! look at e pic… its damn fuck old liao lar! can we haf a more updated grp photo? clara n tt yb’s ex… r long out of e picture… ken…. if u read this post…. pls…. do smthg bout it…. i wanna haf a updated 1 which includes dalun & paul’s new beau…
so sry… every of my weekend is packed for ntu odac stuff… cant meet up wif u all for Bball session….

for those big muscles wif pea brain who accidentally got hooked on to my blog, if u think u r fit n of e perfect cut… THINK TWICE u dick! probably u gotta drink some of our protein to be of our class… CUM GET SOME! sorry… im juz so proud of e 23rd batch… though they may not be e best… but i’ve yet to seen any better! (so sry… to frenly readers for my reek of arrogance… its only wif such pride tt makes us a better soldier to fite enemies fr e north!)

nv forgetting my fellow batch boys… kk, allan, mud, ah boon, bb, giri, ah guan, ah chua, deva, andy, patrick, edwin, bowei, jie yong, thio, bong, gary, nolan, quek, ling, gab, sherwin, jerome, kalow, mz, sam, yayi, jesper, lao ong, tw tan, zhiqiang… jin, chew, glass & kovind…
so sry…. yet again i cant attend e gathering this coming sat…. bet yr miss my kisses!!

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