haha! my 1st time ever to lead a treking trip after gg on so many treks…. hmm… sad to say… i got not much to learn fr it cos my participants r juz too ‘lao jiao’ liao! was hoping to haf some asthma case or G&G to test myself n to learn some tricks fr my fellow trip leader, gary (e president k!) but kns… my trip all e participants OTOT de… no need me to do anything for them… them sad… im more like a runner who bought e train ticket only lar! haha! but really enjoyed myself esp. wif gary! he very cork de! he always blur blur de n he cant rem numbers!
my pres wif his fav. thumbs-up pose in lor halus
funniest sms ever… fr gary…
‘i meet u at sheng siong instead, but would it be better if i meet u at woodlands? i’ll c u at woodlands.’
hmm… think only e main comms of odac would find it funny ba! but i respect him a lot k! he can do all e sai kang tt others cant! e best lorry driver u can find! WAHAHAH!! sz say… gary is e nicest guy so he’s damn gd to bully esp. when u feel down! haha! i think so too! plus he quite gd looking so i dun mind him being e pres for next yr! think i’ll get all my frens to pay $5 for odac membership juz to vote for him! but if he’s to run… i doubt he will be short of votes too!
haha! this trip happened to be wif my old time desaru trip kakis! quite fun cos can bully them!
haha! this trip happened to be wif my old time desaru trip kakis! quite fun cos can bully them!
me doing e ‘gary pose’ wif xiao yong, xiao yu & ah ke! dun yr find xiao yong look like la bi xiao xin?
haha these badminton IVPs damn fun to play wif! hope i din traumatise xiao yu wif all my moanings! yali! aren’t u excited tt they gonna be yr neighbour e coming sem!!
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