haha!! damn excited la!! gonna watch e long awaited show wif bryan, chua, zan & yan wen! but sad to say! its such a disappointing nite la!! its e lousiest concert out of e 4 tt i had watched sia! e sound system fuck it up at e opening... his voice damn muffled, some more its e OPENING!! 2 songs wasted... though Lara is a definite plus factor to e show, but e rest of e 南拳妈妈 r real irritants la! grrr... out of nowhere juz like to pop out to sing Bday song! GRRRR!! e ending was worst, no proper closing, PLUS ENDED SO FREAKING EARLY!! 11.08PM END LE! WTH! hello! 8.32pm den u started yr concert leh! wanna cheat my $$ ar! haiz...
luckily! e nite was of great companionship! got my rapping partner (little yan wen) by my side! WAHAHAH!! SONGBO! unlike chua who only sing sad songs!
so happen to c chengzhi at e concert! din noe he oso chinese pop de... tot he ang moh kandang one!
人山人海... anw... will post more pics when i get them fr stupid bryan!
I where got only sing sad song! you ji dan gao. sing so loud. I rap also cannot hear la.
haha! my voice loud, u cant blame me!
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