after umpteen times of discussion to have 拉面小笼包 buffet at Holland V, ATC 09 team finally got to enjoy the free flow of 小笼包s. happy birthday to Junhua and Chongmeng!

its been a long while since the 12th main comm came together to have dinner! had a sumptous meal at sushi tei! yea! next year its wei ling's turn to treat all of us once she gets her first pay!

next up, 'silly-lia's wedding! haha, more like a gathering for folks of AJ ODAC! first among all of us to get that ring on the finger, blissful marriage k!

in support of the fund raising campaign for eugene's overseas CIP programme, ATC 09 team had a charity dinner at Dempsy! my first time ever to dine at such attas place... wootz..

had my EFI license renewed, though i don't really think that i will continue my outdoor life. attended the refresher more for the sake of meeting old mates, than for the certification. can't even be bothered to hear whats the new outdoor practises and protocols, i rather take photos!

in the company of Please Stay Alive, we had many many many rounds of annual dinner in hope to keep us alive... fuck man, its really not fun to get drown in alcohol like every other day...

my mentors, yu mei and yihan!

the new operation executives.. sadly, as the blog was post. when fiona drop me the sms, '... u serve to motivate us...', my mind went blank. i don't know what more i can do, other to stand and look (only) strong.

attended chin peng's wedding. wah, the food damn nice! shall have my wedding dinner there too! i want to have 80 tables of guest! from NY OAC, AJ ODAC, NDU 23rd batch, NTU ODAC, CampHA and Please Stay Alive, think i can make that number! but i got no wife! roar!

i'm on leave! i'm on leave! berkelah waterfalls!

ATC 11 & 4th Adsports Comm!
haha, well its my 8th time, think so, had lost count, that i had went up the rocky terrain of the waterfall trek off malaysia, kuantan. nothing new with the place, but always with new companions and probably with perspectives of things.
finally, after so many years, i had taken a step back, really on a holiday trip, and less interested in seeing how the new leaders run the show, and new seniors playing the mentor role.
finally, after so many years, i had taken a step back, really on a holiday trip, and less interested in seeing how the new leaders run the show, and new seniors playing the mentor role.

the new seniors of the Club that i'm so proud of.

the ATC 11 team. welcome to the family - Dong Sua Sa!

i love treating them to good food! just look at their happy faces, got me real high too!

closure of my 6 days break, was a dinner with colleagues. haha, ranting, cursing, swearing does helps in relieving the stress at work.

second north-easties supper at Chomp Chomp, organised by junzhong! hehez, i love to do nothing but eat!

ah gong showing off his PhotoFind game on iphone 4, featuring bikini babes!

haha, random bah kut teh dinner with my favorite secretary cum treasurer at eunos! sadly that $8 bowl of bah kut is really NOT nice! my colleague commented that you are pretty after flipping through my facebook pictures k! think its my camera good ba! mi love :)

ok... that's a real long post... shag... 2 hours of non-stop typing and adding of photos... ok, off for run liao! standard chart, here i come!
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