i'm so gonna miss the daily morning breakfast with jas, darryl, jean & zhang meh, either at Palette or Can 2. yep. spend almost every morning with the 4 of them for the last semester of uni life. no more cheap cheap breakfast in school le! dun miss me k!
and yes, i'll miss supper at ah fang with eugene too! doubt in any time soon, we can have our favourite mee goreng chicken jumbo again!
and yes, i'll miss supper at ah fang with eugene too! doubt in any time soon, we can have our favourite mee goreng chicken jumbo again!

here comes the many waves of post exam celebration! first was kushinbo seafood buffet with ling! been waiting to eat it all these while! sadly, this time round, the snow crabs ain't that fresh, quite a big disappointment.
next we had a tower defense + outpost steamboat dinner at bugis! woah, i din know that so many of the odac members study together!
on the very saturday, the odac laojiaos joined the xinjiaos at adsports paintball in m'sia! OMFG! the arena is so damn big la! hahaha, so much more fun than those in singapore! bang! bang! bang! was a great gathering for the old folks! i gotta sa, i'm really old le, can only feel comfortable with the presence of the old birds.

the laojiao squad

the ATC 07 team

the following friday was yet another huat adsports programme, where the xinjiaos from different comms mixed around. haha, that's not for old man like me, so gathered some old folks in the evening instead, to have a nice dinner at chomp chomp follow by durian mosse for dessert!

this dessert place at serangoon gardens is really not bad, down the street of macdonalds, on the 2nd storey, the durian moose is a MUST TRY!

following monday was western food at CHIJMES, i'm so gonna grow so fat, a day right after X-physique, nothing seems to fill the endless pit of big tummy, i can eat a bull! haha, no la, but i did ate 2 set meals alone, and still yearning for more, not that the steak was good, in fact, quite bad, but i was just god damn hungry.

yep, the place is 'hog's breath cafe', selling steak meals at $30++, for good ambience, yes, for good food, NO.

last night, the ATC 09 team met for dinner at geylang for 田鸡粥, haha, was really nice, i had like 6 bowl of porridge, yep, still suffering from post race syndrome, i just can't get enough of food. when hui hui, junhua & issey is back, we shall have a nice bbq k!

fatty jas who claimed to have lost 5kg of weight after a 10 km of walk.

ended the night with durian, but no money, can only eat cheap cheap lousy ones. anw, eugene, stand firm k.
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