sun, sand & sea... most irritating combination on earth! but cos adsports comm damn huat, we had a damn fun time at e beach on a sunny saturday! thanz u all for providing such a nice platform for e comm members to noe each other better!

really glad to c most of e members of e club is down at e beach for e day! really do hope to c more faces of e 12th main commers... sadly most of them r juz not free for e day... glad tt all e lao jiaos had a lot of fun wif e young blood too! really grateful to haf them ard all e time.

haha! issey is damn humji la!! shd haf take a photo of his cramped up face when his asked to shift further back on e coconut tree!

happy bday junhua! hehez! e cake damn nice! pls buy mango cake from secret recipe for my bday k!

haha! we won e sand castle building compeition wif e ingenious design of a courageous sea turtle saving an ugly mermaid!!

looking forward to berkelah trip wif e team! hehez! ATC dong sua 杀!
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