the journey was long & tiring... we fought, we sweat, we teared, we gave our very best. e day to hand over e torch of our spirit had finally came. personally, i was at a lost, unfeeling, emotionless. there was so much to say, so much to thank but i chose to left things unsaid. i so wanted to tell everyone in e team tt they had done a very gd job for e past 1 year, but somehow, i dun think tt was necessary as we all noe it deep in our hearts, we had really gave wat we had. for my 1st year wif e club, i learned e phrase, 'morale over rationale' & this year, i learned e word 'appreciate'. it is so easy said than done.

every success of our events din come easy. its only wif everyone's effort tt success comes along, it may be small, but every brick counts. be it tt wat u or me had done right or wrong, we did everything cos we wanna build e club, we wanna contribute. and for tt, i applaud u for your gd effort, your willingness to share, to contribute or even juz your pressence. a lot of times, we only see all e -ve things & fail to appreciate all e gd intentions. haha, who e hell would sacrifice so much time & effort on a club activity? it doesn't bring money or sex, we all only do it cos we felt belonged to it, somewhere we call 'home', where our 'family' is. 'forgif & forget', 'be inclusive people' & 'accepting others as how they r' r terms tt r commonly heard in e club, but who really does so?
i'm no saint, no superbeing, through this work year, i had made so many mistakes, thank u all so much for forgiving of my incompetence. all these while, we took so many things for granted. i could still remember wat geok asked when i was a year 1, 'wat had ODAC gave to us? nothing!' haha, back den, at e back of my mind was, 'wat haf u gave to ODAC?'. looking back, how immature & ignorant i was. how can we expect everyone to gif their 101% to e club when we dun even recognise & appreciate their hard work. y do we always compare who did more or less, who's better or who's not? i tot we were a family? 'family', a word so easily said yet so hard to achieve. its not a family juz becos we all wear the same black tee. many of times, instead of covering one another's backside, we smacked them hard. 'appreciate' is e word tt i learned this work year, but sadly, i learned it too late. really hated myself at times, if only i am better, i could haf done much more. so sorry.
though our journey as a main commer had ended! hopefully it will be a new journey for our frenship!