haha! really had a very fulfiling sch break! finally got some time to meet up wif frens tt i long got to c... on e 19th dec, NYOAC gang finally got to meet up, me junwei, xiaohei & mathius went on e HSBC tree top walk! wahhaha! we damn loser la! all damn scared by tt damn monkey tt hangs ard e bridge, but its really quite bastard, e security claims tt its violent, so we dare even even lay our eyes at it! in e evening, e rest meet up wif us at chailing's place to haf steamboat! wootz! its been so long since i c ah lian, aaron & jason... once again... baba is MIA... aaron really look more gay liao... WAHAHA!! salsa dancing in smu really does firms up his ass! hmm... awaiting for xiaohei to send me all e pics of tt day...
e following nite, me, chua, zan & yan wen went to had supper! hehez! so happy! food again! went to this very famous bah kut teh shop at balestier... eh... nothing really very impressive other than e pig's trotter la... but really enjoy meals wif yan wen! c her eat always makes me feel more hungry than ever! hmm... but seriously, i wun wanna eat there again, e food is really not worth e wait... & e you tiao oso soggy soggy de... yucks...
as x'mas gets close, on e 22nd, quek inivited us to his place for a nice alcohol gathering... it was suppose to be a potluck nite where peeps bring in gd food, haiz... but my darling batch boys all brought nothing other than their beloved alcohols... anw... thanz sam for yr nice lemon chix & rome for yr spags.

seriously... i dunno y... our gathering always seems to get a little 'over' as we seem to enjoy watching one another rushing to e toilet due to over dosage of volka. but nonetheless, really glad to c faces like sherwin (came back fr austrailia), deva, giri & gab... dear giri... yr image now really sux... totally an indian-beng... dickgusted... & as usual, guan get drunk like dog under e spell of e drinking game...

haha! we ended e party in quite a weird manner! we watched <881> wif kovind! tt stoopid ah neh cant stop luffing at e song lyrics throughout e whole show. really enjoyed their cock company! hehez
on e 27th, tts a big day for me sia! met up wif ken bui & BOK for supper at kovan, omfg, tts freaking stress la! bok is like a monster, she ain't any nice decent gal tt u get to meet everyday in sch, she's powerful enuff to make my balls shrink & drop once i step into 50m radius of her territory, any 10m radius closer my skin will juz burn & disintegrate & turn me to nothing but fine ashes... anw, i was told by this big monster not to tell others bout our patching up wif gd frenship.. so pls dun tell her tt i blogged bout it k! e next day, i went bok bok's place to have mahjong wif baba & derek, erm... since i'm still feeling very apolegetic towards her, decided to let her win my $$ & praise her stooopid dog zuki over e mahjong table... how nice of me rite!

wah... cant beliedf i did so much stuff over e festive season sia... still got so much to type on... on new yr day, 4 lonely guy, me, jin & chua met up to watch Warlords. haha! its a comedy la! ‘大哥是对的!’kaoz! luffed my ass off for tt show! later in e evening, chew joined us for dinner at manhattan (its much better than fish & co... CFM!)... so sad... my fav. potatoe salad wif shrimps can no longer be found on e menu! hurhurhur!! haha! nearing e end of our nice dinner, so yeo kawei walking out of e shop too! haha! our actions r indeed coherent, no way we will ever say hi to tt smelly bitch man! wootz
last gathering wif my ndu buddy buddy b4 e sch term starts, this time was for bowei as he finally returned fr e states, so on e 3rd, we went down bt timah to had dinner & ended up at his place watching e show Crash in his up-class entertainment room. like so seriously, one speaker, not a pair k, worth more than e home theatre system than most household.. piangz... i wanna be a rich man too!
its been so long since i met up wif bro su, its been like almost a yr le... hehez... really missed e days gay-ing him sia! he's damn shuai can!

hehez! in-waiting for e CNY gathering! HOOYA!