haha! its been damn fucking long since i last blog! not tt i vanished into thin ashes, but rather, difficulties in studies is on an exponential curve... somehow yr 1 was diff... yr 2 simply got harder, yr 3 is a sure killer... cant imagine how yr 4 will be like! spend all my time in LIB 2 or nexus for e past 2 months, hence less time on e com to blog... haha! finally can take a long break liao! going attachment lor! haiz... but somehow all my frens will be away for e next sem... all going away for GIP, either china or vietnam, some even to india... sob sob... shall make full use of this holiday to catch up wif some long lost frens! will update real soon!
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Sunday, September 28, 2008
ATC comm trip @ berkela falls 19th - 21st sept
haha! our long awaited comm trip! presenting to u... TEAM ATC 09

this year, together wif huat huat adsports comm, we visited berkelah waterfalls at kuantan! anw... its my 4th visit there le, terrain wise, nothing new, but wat excites me bout every trip is e pple! yep!

adsports comm led by siying & esther

chong meng... wif gals again...

something bout berkelah which truly attracts me is tt, its a trek wif no mud cos we r all e way on rocks!! wahahaha!! i'm a freaking clean soldier. cant stand getting dirty, esp wif mud through e little holes in between my toes!

haha! e most intersting pic captured by teck chee when we were cooking lunch at e summit... seriously, jia si mi look fucking ugly ugly in this pic! wahahaha!! nonetheless, we still luvs u!

its been so long since i last cook during a trip... shall cook for my comm... now i let u eat... later i gif yr shit!

anw... it suppose to say 'atc 09' its art, so its abstract..

somehow e pic tells e level of e comm, atc 09 rocks!

and of cos, every trip ends wif a hearty meal! so we had herbal duck rice at JB! wah! very long nv eat le... always eat secret recipe.. finally get to eat my duck rice wif fat fat char siew!
bok's 23rd bday 14th sept
once again, its boring bok's bday n i was forced to treat her for dim sum... kns... started working liao, got yr 1st pay le, still wanna me treat u! when am i ever gonna get my 1st treat from stingy u!

sadly... as we grow older, we seems to haf less time for each other le.. so ended up, only 6 of us attended e brunch session... its been very long since i last saw ying, paul & derek... bok claim's tt i'm e one who's bz... really meh??

derek got a damn funny 'k-drama-like' story to be heard... something to do wif his lousy blood tt cause him cant get together wif his new beau... simply hilarious! to want to noe more bout e story, go organise a gathering & he would tell u himself!

happy birthday stooopid gal!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
odac family day 13th sept

sun, sand & sea... most irritating combination on earth! but cos adsports comm damn huat, we had a damn fun time at e beach on a sunny saturday! thanz u all for providing such a nice platform for e comm members to noe each other better!

really glad to c most of e members of e club is down at e beach for e day! really do hope to c more faces of e 12th main commers... sadly most of them r juz not free for e day... glad tt all e lao jiaos had a lot of fun wif e young blood too! really grateful to haf them ard all e time.

haha! issey is damn humji la!! shd haf take a photo of his cramped up face when his asked to shift further back on e coconut tree!

happy bday junhua! hehez! e cake damn nice! pls buy mango cake from secret recipe for my bday k!

haha! we won e sand castle building compeition wif e ingenious design of a courageous sea turtle saving an ugly mermaid!!

looking forward to berkelah trip wif e team! hehez! ATC dong sua 杀!
ATC steamboat @ hall 7 10th sept

wahahah!! i luv steamboats! haha! gathered e team at my hall to haf ball ball party!! really looking forward to working wif this bunch of peeps! e lao jiaos no need say la ar! we work until we dun wanna c each other anymore! only scare tt e young ones dunno wats my true colour... when i open aura, dunno how many will survive sia!

haha! e seniors!

anw... i shall condemn eugene for being e official photographer of ATC! his skills sux! cant even find a nice pic which is not blur! grrr!! wahaha! so happy! keep stirring wei ling's shit! think 1 day she will really set my room on fire sia! haha! gonna show all e young ones who's e mr. rat!
13th main comm trip @ perlepah 6th - 7th sept

something really unexpected, even for mysef, tt i'll be in e 13th main comm... e feeling is very diff from last yr... in e times of e 12th comm... we r trying to build a team... yet in this current one... seems like e team is already build & i'm juz an add-on to it..

haha! e young bloods like xuan jie & chong yew r real fun to hang out wif! probably age is really getting on me tt i no longer can be like them... nonetheless, it still damn fun to sit n watch them haf fun!

seriously... its been quite some time since i last visited perlepah... anw... its my 8th climb there le... my beloved V-gouge is now covered wif fallen trunks & erroded soil... so sad... sob sob... hope to bring e freshmen to perlepah this yr! cheap & good!
Friday, September 5, 2008
NTU ODAC 12th AGM 21st august
the journey was long & tiring... we fought, we sweat, we teared, we gave our very best. e day to hand over e torch of our spirit had finally came. personally, i was at a lost, unfeeling, emotionless. there was so much to say, so much to thank but i chose to left things unsaid. i so wanted to tell everyone in e team tt they had done a very gd job for e past 1 year, but somehow, i dun think tt was necessary as we all noe it deep in our hearts, we had really gave wat we had. for my 1st year wif e club, i learned e phrase, 'morale over rationale' & this year, i learned e word 'appreciate'. it is so easy said than done.
every success of our events din come easy. its only wif everyone's effort tt success comes along, it may be small, but every brick counts. be it tt wat u or me had done right or wrong, we did everything cos we wanna build e club, we wanna contribute. and for tt, i applaud u for your gd effort, your willingness to share, to contribute or even juz your pressence. a lot of times, we only see all e -ve things & fail to appreciate all e gd intentions. haha, who e hell would sacrifice so much time & effort on a club activity? it doesn't bring money or sex, we all only do it cos we felt belonged to it, somewhere we call 'home', where our 'family' is. 'forgif & forget', 'be inclusive people' & 'accepting others as how they r' r terms tt r commonly heard in e club, but who really does so?
i'm no saint, no superbeing, through this work year, i had made so many mistakes, thank u all so much for forgiving of my incompetence. all these while, we took so many things for granted. i could still remember wat geok asked when i was a year 1, 'wat had ODAC gave to us? nothing!' haha, back den, at e back of my mind was, 'wat haf u gave to ODAC?'. looking back, how immature & ignorant i was. how can we expect everyone to gif their 101% to e club when we dun even recognise & appreciate their hard work. y do we always compare who did more or less, who's better or who's not? i tot we were a family? 'family', a word so easily said yet so hard to achieve. its not a family juz becos we all wear the same black tee. many of times, instead of covering one another's backside, we smacked them hard. 'appreciate' is e word tt i learned this work year, but sadly, i learned it too late. really hated myself at times, if only i am better, i could haf done much more. so sorry.
though our journey as a main commer had ended! hopefully it will be a new journey for our frenship!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
ATC, on a new journey
hi all! so sorry for not updating my blog, will do so when i get a breather in any time soon. had been missing a lot of slp, yep! gd news to bring is tt ATC is back for good! thanz for all e support tt wei ling & i had. we need yr continual support to make ATC & e comm a success. really, thanz a lot! do look forward for e ATC race to compete in, in feb 2009! we promise to do our best to gif all of u out there a splendid race experience! thanz a lot!
Friday, August 15, 2008
biz mag comm treat @ JB 11th aug
haha! so happy! went taman sentosa to join biz mag for comm treat. lucky for me tt i happen to haf them as participants for my desaru trip tt i noe them better, therefore i got invited for their dinner! its really a pity tt e way e 12th main comm is form, killed e spirits of 2 members of e team. nonetheless, i really appreciate their contributions & presence. its really not easy to build a team.
really hope to c e freeshly-turned seniors will stay in e club, to gif guidance & laughter to e freshmen tts coming in. one of e thing tt makes me feel proud to be part of e club is tt its really a place where everyone juz feels easily 'belonged' to. for eg, juz take a look at shouzhi!
room warming! 8th aug
poor me had been assigned to e most cui cum ulu hall u can ever find in NTU, Hall 7. 狗不拉屎,鸟不生蛋!grr... everyday i suffer in hell cos there's no canteen in this hall! wtf!! no food, no me! no longer can haf my 9 pm teh peng anymore! not only tt, its way at e other end of school from N3 (where all my lessons r), muz take 23 mins walk everyday! lastly! i no longer haf a roomie! no more jz to play dota wif! cant even disturb his phone calls wif han wei in e nite! hall 7, PUIIII!!
had a little room warming in my new single room! invited some old peeps fr odac, thanks for gracing e steamboat! anw, we had tonnes of fun toking bout shit tt we had all went thru from e yrs in e club! of cos, wif e presence of e 4 ATC old birds, jeremy, jayren, denis & me, days of ATC was once again narrated to e attentive crowd! wahahaha!
Friday, August 8, 2008
main comm treat a.k.a 'last meeting' 7th aug
coming to e closure of e odac 12th main comm, we had our official meeting wif printed agendas for e last time. think our last official meeting will be at AGM, 2 weeks later. be it tt we r gonna stay strong together or r to part, i gif my blessings to everyone in e team. our term is short, i dun belief tt within a year time we can be bonded like a family. but, i would say tt its juz e very beginning of our frenship thru e days of hardship. if from e 1st day of e formation of e 12th comm tt we were already at our current state, den i dun think there's anything for us to be proud of. its thru all e differences & turbulences tt we had ride thru tog tt made us stronger than b4. thank you all.
these gluttons happily ordering as boss says he will cover for any overspill in e cost! saw e bill, shd haf ordered more la, since he always order us ard!
this is simply to proof e fact to all out there tt odac is a club wif no gals... 可怜的我.. 可怜的我们...
steamboat! 29th july
someday after yihui's bday, met up wif jie yang, wei zhen & yihui for waffles at Gelare (cos tues waffles r sold at 1/2 price!). seriously find eating waffles wif ice-cream is a gals affair, hot-blooded males like me only interested in eating meaty hot meals! cos wei zhen gotta leave early for his house visiting job, he missed our steamboat at 天天火锅!so happy! i luv meat balls & prawns! since its buffet style, eat all i can! anw, tt guy who served us was a pure nuisance! ah tiong (jy & yh thinks his viet) working in a chinese eatery but die die wanna take our orders wif his lousy ang moh... wat he says, we dun understand, wat we say, bet he thinks we r speaking malay... lucky i juz luv steamboat, shall juz ignore him & jump straight to my food! hmm... shall organise a steamboat soon!
batch boy dinner @ JB 31st july
been to m'sia numerous times thru out e past 2 yrs, yet this is e 1st time i'm going over e north to haf dinner wif my batch boys! its been long since i last seen many of them... somehow i noe i'm gonna to miss my lecture buddy, jin, as he will be away for IA this coming sem. now BB & allan oso away for attachment, left only me & chew ard in sch le.. think its abt time to organise KTV session wif them liao! HOOYA!
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
post-FOOT, Sentosa 26th july
its been a year since i last set foot onto e land of sentosa. probably e same saturday 1 year ago tt i declared to run for e 12th main comm, in e nite, at vivo city. its not an easy decision, its an even tougher journey tt for us to embarked on. but looking back at wat we had achieved over e past work year, i'm sorry to carry an arrogant grin on my face. regardless of wat others my think/feel, i conclude, we r good! WAHAHAHAHAH!!
attended e outing wif a brand new feeling, totally diff from last year. this time round, i'm preparing for e change in mentality to become a lao jiao in e club! however, i felt rather guilty upon e task to bring abt e family spirit to e freshmen. felt rather dettach from them, i shall blame it to 'generation gap'! really feel damn old liao!
warriors of e nite, assemble! after e nite, i shall dissolve myself from my duties in office. its time to pass on e torch to e new hot bloods! best wishes.
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